How to Build a Cybersecurity Strategy to Protect Your Small Business

How to Build a Cybersecurity Strategy to Protect Your Small Business

No matter how big or small your business is, you need a high-level cybersecurity strategy. A sound strategy is a way to mitigate a majority of cyber risks for a span of 3 to 5 years. And once that time passes, it’s time for another round of crafting a good strategy.

Remember that a flawed cybersecurity strategy is better than no strategy at all. After all, they aren’t meant to be perfect - they’re simply your best guess at what you should do to keep your business and your employees safe. You should take into account your cybersecurity while calculating the MVP cost.

To keep your assets secured, you need to look towards preventing cyber attacks rather than cleaning up the mess after they happen.

So in this article, we’ll go over the biggest things you should keep in mind when crafting your cybersecurity strategy.

What Are the Most Notable Goals of Cybersecurity Strategies?

There’s a reason why you’ll spend time and nerves crafting a sound strategy. It’s all done to achieve these goals:


Your first priority should be to prevent any security breaches from arising. That is the first line of defense. Your activities in this area must aim to stop unauthorized access as well as the delivery and execution of malware.

Containment and Mitigation

What happens if you can’t stop a breach from happening? Well, in that case you need to be able to limit the damage. Lots of businesses go overboard with prevention and fail to work on security protocols in case of a breach in the network.

Recovery and Restoration

The capacity to quickly regain access to and use of your IT infrastructure following cyberattacks is your third objective. That is an important security objective that supports commercial objectives of minimal or no downtime.

Tips for Building an Effective Cybersecurity Strategy

You need to cover a lot of ground when crafting a security strategy. Here are some tips below on how to do so effectively.

Spot Important Information

Hackers won’t always go for data that is obviously profitable. Rather, they may aim for data that is valuable for the company or organization they’re planning to attack. That means that the first step is to identify data that may be the most valuable to cyberattackers.

This sort of data can be split into two categories: [“Marketing”, “Business”]

  • Company data: Product specs, operational guidelines, billing information
  • Personal data: Employee’s medical data, Social Security numbers, financial information, etc.

The next step to an effective strategy is to ensure a safe connection.

Separate Sensitive Information from the Public Domain

Once you spot the sensitive data, you need to separate it from the public domain so as to not risk it getting exposed.

You can do so in different ways:

  • Using encryption keys and difficult passwords
  • Separating data on the basis of who should have access to it
  • And most importantly, using a separate database or server for sensitive information

Speaking of keeping data secure…

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Set Up a Secured Cloud Storage

Software solutions for backup and storage in the cloud give your company an additional layer of security. But, just as you do with your physical networks and devices, you should restrict access to your cloud storage.

Starting with a local backup of your data, picking a reliable cloud provider, and avoiding keeping sensitive data on the cloud - these are all good ways to make your cloud storage secure.

Files that must be continuously accessible or files used in collaborative projects should be stored in the cloud. Move a file to your physical servers after it is no longer frequently needed in the cloud.

Secure Your Internet Access

Consider all aspects of cybersecurity while developing your strategy, making sure you’re taking care of WiFi, endpoint, and firewall security. One of the most important security mechanisms is still the firewall, which separates trusted internal networks from the outside world while monitoring and managing network traffic.

Your WiFi network, whether it’s internal or oriented towards customers, is the prime target. Use a password-protected router and secure keys that are kept in a secure area. Every device connected to your network, whether they are company-owned, owned by employees, or owned by customers, is a potential vulnerability. If you’re having problems with your internet connection, you should have a reliable helpdesk services onhand to deal with the issue and prevent a possible breach from happening.


Factor in Constant Monitoring for Suspicious Behavior

To protect a user from any possible risks, network activity should be monitored for any suspicious activities.

If you are concerned about the security of your system and data, it is imperative that you keep an eye on your network activities for any unusual activity. This can be achieved by routinely scanning your files and looking for malware, as well as by ensuring that the most recent virus protection software is installed on your computer. Professionals like us use many technologies to streamline the process, but they also add a significant layer of data collection from your devices, network equipment, etc.

Final Word

For most small companies, cybersecurity may not be a top priority. However, top cybersecurity might just be what will differentiate your company from others. Anyone who wants to construct something of real worth must start out right, and being safe than sorry is a good place to start.

And you don’t have to be alone in this. Your managed service provider is on your side. As well as your staff. You just need to teach them how. Educating your staff has to do more than simply expanding their cybersecurity knowledge. It involves fostering a security-conscious culture among your workforce. To avoid any points of weakness, everyone must be on the same page when it comes to security procedures.

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