Name Triggers

Easily extend your Slapforms with name triggers to control email behavior, and much more.

What are name triggers?

Slapform recognizes certain name attributes and uses them to control the behavior of emails, plugins, and more. All name triggers begin with slap_ such as slap_replyto which controls the Reply-To address on notification emails.

Here's a list of all the Slapform special name trigger fields, along with the behaviors they control.


Name slap_request
Alternatives none
Minimum Plan none
Default Determined by Slapform
Description Normally, Slapform will intelligently attempt to determine your request type. This is important because AJAX requests are handled differently than HTML form submissions, and each request type has different features. However, you can override what Slapform determines by using this name trigger. If you do supply this, it must be either ajax or form.


Name slap_replyto
Alternatives email
Minimum Plan none
Default [email protected]
Description Change the reply-to address of the submission email you receive. The default reply-to address is ours, [email protected], but you can make it whatever you want with this Name Trigger. This Name Trigger will show up in the response email data.


Name slap_debug
Alternatives none
Minimum Plan none
Default false
Description Enables debugging features. The submission page will show the response from our server (see an example).


Name slap_honey
Alternatives none
Minimum Plan none
Description A honeypot for spam. This name trigger works best as a hidden <input> field. Now, if a bot tries to fill out your form, the submission will be discarded.


Name slap_subject
Alternatives none
Minimum Plan none
Default New Slapform Submission
Description Change the subject of the submission email you receive.

How to use name triggers

Slapform name triggers can be used in 3 different ways and they will all mostly function in a similar fashion:

  • As a name attribute on an HTML <input>
  • Inside the data object of a JavaScript request.
  • In the query string of the action attribute on an HTML form.

HTML name trigger example

Below is a "kitchen-sink" example utilizing all of the available name triggers. Copy and paste and customize to your needs!

      <form method="POST"
        action="[email protected]">
        <input type="text" name="name">
        <input type="email" name="slap_replyto">
        <input type="text" name="slap_subject">
        <textarea type="text" name="message"></textarea>
        <input type="text" name="slap_debug" value="false" hidden>
        <input type="text" name="slap_honey" hidden>
        <input type="text" name="slap_redirect" value="" hidden>
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>
      <form method="POST"
        action="[email protected]&slap_debug=false&slap_redirect=">
        <input type="text" name="name">
        <input type="email" name="slap_replyto">
        <input type="text" name="slap_subject">
        <textarea type="text" name="message"></textarea>
        <input type="text" name="slap_honey" hidden>
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>

Javascript name trigger example

Below is a "kitchen-sink" example utilizing all of the available name triggers. Copy and paste and customize to your needs!

      <script src=""></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
        var slapform = new Slapform(); // The script above exposes the global variable 'Slapform'
          form: '{form_id}', // Replace this with the form id you created in step 1
          data: { // The data you want submitted and emailed to you
            name: 'Jon Snow',
            message: 'Hello World! This is my first Slapform submission.',
            slap_subject: 'My Favorite Message',
            slap_replyto: '[email protected]'
            slap_debug: false,
            slap_honey: '',
            /* These Slapform Name Triggers exist but aren't applicable to AJAX submissions */
            // slap_redirect: '',
            // slap_captcha: false,
        .then(function (response) { // This function runs only on success
          console.log('Success!', response);
        .catch(function (response) { // This function runs only on error
          console.log('Fail!', response);